Hi there! It sounds like the user’s email is still associated with your Organization even though they were removed.
Usually this happens when you (the Organization admin) removed the user from your Organization, but this action does not delete the account. The account currently still exists (outside of your company’s Organization) as a standalone account.
To update their email, the user and you will want to follow these steps:
The user needs to log back into the Figma mail account deleted - which will bring their account back into the Organization
On your end, as an Organization admin, please follow these steps to delete the account:
- Go to Admin > Settings
- (Scroll down) select Show more…"
- Select “Delete user and their data” in the User Data section
- Enter the email of the user to delete this account
Then once the account is deleted, they should be able to update their current Figma account to use their new email address.
If this doesn’t help, I’d recommend you to reach out directly to the Figma Support for further investigation, they can help you for the settings: here
Hope that helps!