I also find the constant window resizing extreamly annoying - it should be fixed to a size, or better yet, let me ‘lock’ the window as a side panel.
Ability to move groups to other collections too - I had to re-do 2 hours of work because I found a better way to format with collections but couldnt simply move the variables to a new or existing collection.
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I would like to share some use scenarios and suggestions
opening the variables panel
case: when working with objects in the Figma, the variables panel can only be accessed from the right sidebar when nothing is selected, or by searching.
- The variables button can be moved in a place accessible from anywhere. (example: library icon)
- A shortcut should definitely be assigned.
default groups view after opening the panel
In a work where a large number of groups have been created, when we open the panel, we see thousands of groups and we cannot find what we are looking for without closing the main groups one by one.
When you open the panel for the first time, all groups should be collapsed. If we open the panel second time, it may remember the last status of the groups.