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Re-center behavior in Dev mode is buggy making it difficult for devs to find what they need:

✅ Re-center to a top-level parent frame - works!

❌ Re-center to a nested frame - doesn’t work.

Instead it re-centers on the highest-level parent frame. This makes it very difficult for devs to find the element they need when there are a lot of elements inside the parent frame.

❌ Re-center to a component or variant - doesn’t work at all.

Clicking the toast or pressing Shift + 2 does nothing.

“Keyboard zooms into selection” is checked in Figma preferences.

GIF shows all 3.

CleanShot 2024-06-10 at 12.23.39

Hey @Aaron_Fehlen1, thank you for flagging this! I’ve forwarded this to the team. The bug related to re-center to component sets has been already flagged with us. I’ve added this post also to it. I can follow up here on the forum once, I receive more information.


