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Hello everyone, i have a problem i don’t know how to solve. I have a desktop frame (i think it is called prototype frame) in which i am putting all the components to create the home page of my website. For every section of the page i have created a frame. However, when i link the elements of my navigation bar to the sections of the page (i drag the arrow to the component and i put “on click” → Navigate to (the section of the page) and after that i put the linked section inside the main frame, nothing works both in presentatio and preview mode. Do you have any suggestion? Is it a Figma’s problem or did i do something wrong?

Thanks for those who will answer.

You need “scroll to”, not “navigate to”.

Hello Gleb, thanks for your reply. What if i have different pages to link to my navbar instead?

Not possible without workarounds. Vote here and see workarounds here: "Scroll to" objects in different frames

Thank you so much for your help!
