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Hi everyone,

My name is Quinn. I have a trouble of editing to the new team project as a designer.

The previous designer has transferred her ownership to me (as pictures show below). I also have full access to design seat. And we have 2 design seats on the team. We are on Professional Team plan

However, I’m still unable to edit the files in our team projects. My design canvas on Figma only show specs as viewer and there’s no tools for designer.

Hey @Quinn_Tran, thanks for reaching out! Unfortunately, I cannot see the picture you’ve attached.

Could you please ask the team owner to change your role to “Editor”?

Also could you doublecheck with the team owner if the following steps were taken to transfer ownership of a team?

  1. Open the team in Figma and select the Members in the menu bar.

  2. Click their existing Team permissions and select Owner.

  3. Figma will ask you to confirm the transfer. It’s not possible to undo this action, but the new owner can transfer ownership again. Click Transfer ownership to confirm.

  4. Figma will make that member the owner and give the previous owner an admin role on the team instead.

Let me know if you get access after changing your role manually. Happy to get you connected to our support team if you’re still having issues!
