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I use a ton of arrows with descriptions whenever I am doing a user flow. I do a line for this, with an arrow tip. Quick and dirty by eye then go back and make sure everything is beautifully aligned and precise throughout the flow.

I used to be able to select the anchor on Line A and the anchor on Line B and use the alignment panel to make sure those lines terminated in the exact same spot. I no longer seem to be able to do this and it’s driving me insane. With basic straight lines with only two points, I know I can just set the width evenly, but if the lines branch with out from straight lines I can no longer line the anchor points up.

I want both of these blue lines to touch the pink line precisely using the alignment too. Not moving the entire line, just the anchor point of one to be aligned perfectly with the other.


When I double click on Line A, I can only edit the anchors on Line A. If I hold shift and double click Line B after Line A is selected, there is no duel vector edit mode. What am I missing?

Huh, I also have a vague memory of multi-vector edit mode existing. Sad if it’s gone. I’d report this as a bug and see what they say; I’m curious too.

What you can do in the meantime is flatten the two lines so that they become a single vector.

Thank you ​@Avokadomos . Will try reporting it.

I reported and support got back to me with the following: 


You can multi-select vector nodes if the nodes are all within the same vector network i.e. all the different vectors and nodes are part of a single object, even if they aren't all contiguously connected.
However, if the lines are 2 separate vector networks (2 objects in the layers panel) then clicking into vector edit mode on one network will not allow selection of nodes in another network, since you're in edit mode for the network you just clicked into, and we only allow editing of one network at a time.
Can you try that out and let me know if it aligns with what you're encountering?


Unfortunately, it looks like I can’t align two separate lines to each other or other objects unless I flatten them first, which would slow down my process immensely creating an extra step. How frustrating.

That’s too bad.
