I’ve got a rough design system built but certain components I have marked as hidden will still publish into the library. When I enable the library in another figma file, the components are visible when they should be hidden.
An example of this is I have a component within the design system for all button text, it’s just a plain text layer. It goes into every different variant of a button, but I want the text to remain the same across all button types, hence the maser button text component.
When I publish the design system, I right click on the Master/Button Text
component, click Hide when publishing, and then Publish. When I search for “button” in the assets library of a working design file, both my Button component and Button Text component show up.
I swear this used to work fine for me and only recently did components I want hidden start showing up.
Does anyone have any insight?
I’ve also tried renaming the components I want hidden with the “.” or “/” method, but even after republishing the library, the name change does not take effect. The library is publishing successfully, as other changes work fine.