Team Owner should be a super-owner

I have been having some problems with permissions in managing my Figma team which I use heavily for my graphic design classroom. I go into some depth here:

The short of it is that a team member with “can edit” team-level permissions can create a project that the team owner cannot edit, delete, or change permissions to. This is heavily problematic in a classroom situation when team members are not always 100% reliable players.

It does read as though the Team Owner has the ability edit all projects and files via the “see user access” menu item:

but that is just not the case.

A simple solution would be that Team Owners would have super-owner powers and be able to give themselves permission on any project or file.

A better solution would be a more robust system of permissions. Either way, at least one user level needs to have all the keys.

Additionally, the broadest permission setting, team-level permissions, when set to “can view” seems to override the more granular project level permission, Members of [team name] “can edit”. It should be the other way, imo.

It is entirely possible that I am doing something wrong and I would very much like that to be the case. If so, please someone, pull me out of permissions purgatory.

Cheers to all and thanks for the wonderful software and community.


@mcram I agree – we need superadmin access, and need to restrict some of editors’ access so that they don’t create an infinite amount of additional teams. It’s hard to keep the Figma spaces organized if we don’t have this.


Ran into the “Super admin cannot change anything in projects that he/she is no owner of” (meaning we are stuck as soon as someone is on holiday). So +2.

I own the account and pay for it, but strangely enough some files that were created by other members of my team, I don’t have the power to edit or change the editing properties. It is a priority that the super user role exists.