This comment bug is still happening to me as well on client work. Very frustrating and making Figma unreliable for team collaboration and issue tracking. Figma Team please address this soon with an update!
Not only do the comments not show immediately, if I open a comment and resolve it, it disappears, then reappears again. You guys totally broke comments with this new release!!!
This is exactly what is happening to me. And my client cannot see my original comments from 2 months ago.
+1 same issues
Hey everyone - we’re relaying all of the feedback we’ve been continuing to receive from you over to our engineering team, and they are actively working to address the lingering comments issues some of you are experiencing.
We will make sure to provide updates as we receive them, but please do continue to add comments to this thread with any issues you come across.
One ask: please make sure to refresh all tabs you have to see if that seems to alleviate the problems (even temporarily), and include if that seemed to help at all.
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