Need to transfer project with multiple files and 1 public library to another organisation

Dear community,
I searched a lot here but didn’t find an answer at least with kind of reasonable actuality. So sorry if I just didn’t find the right place with discussion or answer.

We have a pro plan with a team and a project within, which now needs to be moved into a new enterprise level organisation at client side.
The project consists of a bunch of project files with the layouts + one global public library file. All components in all project files are using this one library file.

If I do a “Copy project” transfer, I am loosing branches, comments and also the links to the components in the central library.

Is it correct, that I will NOT loose all the component links to the global library file, when I transfer the project with “Transfer” instead of copy?

The project is huge and it would be a great problem, if we would loose all connections.
So when it will not work, please shout out and tell me how I can solve this :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot in advance.

… so how I understand the difference between sharing a copy and transfer: when I create a copy, I then have new files copied, but the links to library in components stay the same and still link to the original library which then is no longer accessible when outside the organisation. When I make a transfer, all files and their locations stay the same, but I just change their ownership and move it to the new organisation. Thus all links stay valid and the library connections for components are still working.
Is my understanding correct?

Hey @ABecker, thank you for reaching out!

The easiest way to move files between different accounts is to move them into a project and then transfer the project. If you transfer a file that contains a published library, other files in your team or organization won’t receive updates from this library after the transfer is complete. Therefore we recommend keeping libraries and their files together.

I’d recommend checking out the steps on our Help Center article on how to Transfer a project.

Yes you’re right. When you send a copy of a project, all its files will move to the recipient’s team or organization. Only people on the receiving team or organization will have access to this copy. Any file branches, comments, and version history won’t be transferred—these will stay with your original files.

Please let me know if this clears your question, happy to help out further!
However, when you transfer a project, all its files will move to the recipient’s team or organization. Any file branches, comments, and version history should be transferred too.

But how do I reconnect Component instances to the copied Library?

I have the following case. My original project in team A contains 2 files.

  1. Library file with the master components.
  2. Design file with instances of the components of the Library file.

Then I transfer a copy of this project to a new team B.
In team team B I now have the project copy with both files.

But in team B the copied instances in the copied design file are still connected to the original library in team A. How can I connect them to the copied library file in the copied project in team B?

Hey @Georg1, this is a good questions! However, I would need help from the team answering this. Let me ask the team internally for help. I will give you an update asap.

Appreciate your patience in the meantime!