Figma crash [January 12, 2022] when loading plugin list; right-clicking on the canvas; running Quick actions

How did you get to the plugin manager? Because as I click on it, same issue, gray screen. So yeah plugin issue.

i could access this page and deleted them one by one


We found (at least one) solution:

Uninstalling the Plugin “Automater”. This can be done via the Community Page, if you have installed it, just like @Mikko_Hilgert just mentioned.

Interestingly though, all of these which I have installed seem to have no impact, except Autmater:

Too bad Automater is/was my most used plugin :frowning:


I am having this same issue and I have already sent a message to the support team. Now I know I am not alone. I have restarted my PC many times and I have also tried it on the web and the same issue persists.

Thanks, the issue was fixed instantly.

Yep, issue fixed after deleting Automater plugin.

Lol, my plugin is the problem all of this? :open_mouth:


Oh thank goodness. I’ve been struggling to figure out this issue for the last few minutes, then I jumped on here and saw this thread. Uninstalling automator fixed the problem. (Which is a pity, because I do love that plugin)

Is so ironic, that I struggled with this issue as well! :joy:

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Hey everyone - I can confirm that our support/engineering team is looking into this, and that uninstalling the Automater* plugin should alleviate the problem.

We’d recommend doing this as a temporary fix - I’ll include an updated comment when this has been fully resolved.

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@ksn how can I uninstall the plugin? Currently I also get a crash when I try to load the plugins from my user profile… so no way to uninstall?

When I right-click on anything, the branch page completely freezes and turns into gray. I have to close and re-open.

  • This happens with all the frames.
  • This doesn’t happen with other branches in the same file.
  • Only one particular branch does this.

Go to: Figma Plugins | Powerful Plugins Made Just For Figma, find Automator, click uninstall.

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This may be helpful here are well.

Hey everyone - we’ve temporarily blocked the “Automater” plugin while we continue to investigate the root cause of the issues that appear linked to it.

if you refresh, you should see things return to normal, and won’t need to manually uninstall the plugin at this time.

Stay tuned for further updates! Appreciate your patience in the meantime :grinning:

I think it has been fixed because I didn’t uninstall Automater plugin and it has been working fine for now at least.

Hey everyone, we’ve re-enabled the plugin Automater and things should be working as normal again. If after installing you’re still running into the white screen/crash please let us know here.

Hey @Josh ,

The problem have not been solved on my end.

There is a small difference this time, while trying to right-click I get notified “Unable to open context menu”.
If I try to open the menu from Figma logo, then I get the white screen.

Still the problem, seems to be related to Automater and the latest comments update pushed by Figma.


I am having the same issue on my end here. Getting messages like “unable to open context menu” when I right-click. When I press Ctrl + / it shows message like “unable to open quick actions”. Please can this issue be solved? I can’t work since morning.

Same problem here. I’m going to remove Automator, I hope that will solve the problem.