+1 all of the workarounds suggested seem like a pain in the butt… It could be so simple 😦
+1 I’ve been unable to have a truly interactive dropdown that lets me switch between frames. + The fact that interactive components states are lost when nested inside another interactive component.
+1 The ability to control when a component state persists and resets is a very useful preset that would aid in my prototype creation flows and eliminate tedious work arounds.
+1 Need to be able to reset components on action.
+1 I could really use that, too
This time I have an interactive component that is supposed to display a countdown (3…2…1…Go!), so it must restart from the beginning every time, it is time-sensitive and only relies on “after delay”. Only works once, then just shows “Go” all the time 😑
+1 Having the same issue. This thread started in 2021 and no response from Figma team.
Hey @Marlon4,
We responded most recently on April 4th:
Thank you all for your feedback!
Our team has confirmed that interactive components memorize their state “forcibly”, and there is currently no way to reset it. Fortunately, this is already something they’re working on. While we can’t guarantee a timeline on our end, the team will continue to monitor this thread and use your Votes to ensure it stays prioritized. Stay tuned and keep an eye on our Release Notes where we’ll post all major updates: https://releases.figma.com/
+1 still need this
(keeping this open!)
+1 still need this - such a pain to create a workaround for every “reset”
Please enable this, it’s really needed!!
Please implement this. Without it, many prototypes end up looking VERY unprofessional when presenting to stakeholders. It’s mind boggling this hasn’t been a priority for Figma.
Hey All,
Thank you for your patience! Today, we released State management for prototypes, including State reset!
When users are navigating through prototypes, an object’s state may need to be reset on specific interactions. Object states should be reset on the interaction that navigates to the next frame.
- Click on a prototype connection to open the Interaction details panel.
- In the State Management section of the panel, check off any of the following settings:
Reset scroll position: Reset to original scroll location
Reset component state: Reset to original component state, as set on the canvas
Reset video state: Restart the video from the beginning, and reset to its original play state
@dvaliao I don’t have these options in my interaction design Pannel, how we can activate this? My version is 116.9.5, any clue about how to get this cool feature?
Lovely! Thanks so much for delivering on it 🎉
Hi @Claudio_Torres,
The feature was slowly rolling out in batches, but should have been available by the end of the day. Have you refreshed and been able to get access yet?
This feature basically renders the “While hovering” interaction useless for any components. It is resetting all of the nested components below the parent.
I have a tab button component with 3 states: Default, On Hover, Selected
- Interactions Default “while hovering” to On Hover
I have a tabs component comprised of 3 tabs
When I make interactive tabs , the content of the component below is also resetting to its original state as well. Super frustrating that this was missed.
Hello @dvaliao. I had to press Help >Troubleshooting > Clear Cache and Restart. After this action, these options appeared in my Figma. Thanks for the support.
Hi, since the launch of the new State management for prototypes, the scroll position is not preserved, each time I create a link between two frames (representing two states of the same page) my prototype will scroll to the top. I really miss the “preserve scroll position” that worked fine!
Anyone having the same issue?
I just found why it wasn’t working: all the frames need to have exactly the same name so that Figma matches the different “objects” (= pages). Not very convenient, but it’s working again.
@Guillaume_BRACHON which frames - the topmost level “artboard” frames? or a specific layer??
I see now! the top most level frames
Yes, the top level frame, the one that corresponds to the web page / app screen.
it’s all i needed, Thanks!! ❤️
Would love this! Would removing so many screens for such tiny changes.
Did you find any solution to this? I’m having the same issue with my input select dropdown. The options don’t render the hover state but instead ruins the click event.