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  1. As a designer I would like to record my prototype screen or export it as a gif so I can use it in presentations and send quick examples in the team group.

  2. It would be great to have the same feature then Principle to record or export the prototype to gif.

  3. Does anyone have the same need? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?

Never used keynote, sorry. There was mention of “Kap” as a recording software for Mac though.

+1, just meet this exporting problem, recording my screen is not a good solution, video quality is really low

Yep. Gotta say Adobe XD has had this for ages. It’s so awesome.

+1 for this type of feature as well. It’s nice to be able to prototype out a simple loading animation for instance using some transitions, but can’t hand that off to any devs without having to go through some other tools.

Actually, CSS or JSON exports would be nice. I think some people already mentioned it.

This is currently my #1 wish along with a timeline & keyframes between screns (as InVision Studio has). I need this feature so much! I wish I don’t need to go through a hell and purgatory in After Effects to put together even 2s video or screen capture my prototypes in some obscure way. Life would be so much nicer.

Yeah i have the same need but would prefer to export it as GIF

🤣 I really need this feature

+1 for this feature too. Hope it gets prioritised

Add me you the list of people who want this feature.

Many times I have to share my prototype in small video formats, usually I record screen but this creates many extra-work because after I have to edit, some times I dont record the prototype in the same size. it would be great to be able to export my prototype as a video directly from Figma.

thanks 🙂

This request was posted earlier on the forum. Please vote for this idea here: Export/record prototype to Video or GIFs.

Done 🙂 thanks!

Whoulb be better to export the gif with a transparent background

We need this!

+1 on this feature!

I would really love that this could be a new feature, I have found myself talking to members of the team about how to show prototypes and people usually ask if I have a gif or a video to show.


I have a similar request. But, instead of exporting a video, I’d like to embed an audio file synced to a cursor follow. That would allow reviews to get a tour natively in the file so they can add comments.

Oh my God, you changed my life with Kap!! Thank you so much!!

You can try to record and export your prototype screen in GIF animation

For guidance watch the video on YouTube

Please make this happen. Screen recording works but if you’re on a smaller monitor you wont get 100% actual size.

Hey @Felipe_Almeida,

Me and a friend of mine are building a plugin to export prototypes to gif.

Are you open to give us some feedback on the plugin UX (attached)?

The MVP will probably just be a basic image or screen conversion to gif/mp4/lottie but later on we will integrate it more deeply into figma to pick up existing connections user created.

Would this MVP help you achieve your goal? DO you have any feedback?


hey @cesno,

I am working on a solution for this. Do you mind providing feedback on it?


hey @Jc_Martel,

I am working on a solution for this (includes Lottie). Do you mind providing feedback on it?


Hi ! Sure !
