Why does Smart Animate struggle with corner radius stroke?

I first noticed this odd behaviour when trying to animate a switch between its on & off state. Smart animate partially dissolves (there’s some faint ghosting) as well as pixelates the stroke for the duration of the animation. Here’s some more testing I did to try and replicate the problem.

This is a unique switch where the knob transitions between a rectangle and a circle. I’ve tried narrowing in on the exact set of parameters that leads to this buggy animation and it seems to consistently appear when the corner radius of a rectangle changes with stroke applied. You can see in my examples that this doesn’t happen with only fill applied on the rectangle, but does appear when they’re outlined with a stroke.


Does anyone know a workaround for this issue?

Looking at the docs, corner radius is not a supported property, only opacity, size, fill, position, and rotation are. That is why it fades in and fades out the objects instead.

There are plugins like Jitter which will help you animate other things though.

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Am having the same problem… does anyone have a workaround?

Try use a drop shadow at 0px blur and 1 px spread - increase spread to increase stroke size. Should animate fine and can set your fill to be transparent still.

(correction from my last post saying 1px blur - needs to be 0px)