Hello Figma friends,
I love the tool and I use it on a daily basis, very powerful!
I have a specific case for a tooltip. I have created the master component with the specific style and I also have a text box inside as dummy (lorem).
My colleagues want to be able to change the text case size as needed for their projects, but I also want to have control over the master component. If I decide to change the color of the tooltip, I want this to also affect my colleagues instances wherever they used it.
The problem is that they cannot change the text box size of the instances they are using. So if they detach the instance, whatever change I will do in the design system will not affect their assets.
I know I can create instances of the component, but I really cannot resize the box to all their needs, that would be madness, haha.
Attached is the example of what I am trying to achieve.
Thank you very much in advance for all the answers and help!