Swapping components / variants with different names

If you swap libraries, …

  • you can only swap components with identical names.

This is not great, if the component name has changed in the meantime.

Instead, I would like to…

  • swap components with different names.
  • select the target component for swapping.

Even greater would be the option to…

  • swap variants of components.

This might be helpful, when restructuring components. Sometimes we are splitting variants in two components or merging variants into one component.

We are using the “swap” feature for testing bigger changes in our design system. Making sure that changes won’t break designs, before we release them.

This was previously also mentioned here:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Allow the selection of another component in the swap libraries panel

Sorry for the delayed reply, @Katrina2!

Thanks for the feedback. We’ve reopened the previous topic you mentioned and merged the two topics together. We’ll continue to track votes and pass feedback along to the team from there.