Pick up assigned styles with eyedropper tool

One small issue I have while working in Figma is that I sometimes want to assign a certain style to my current selection. The only way to do this now is to move with the mouse to the right panel and search/select the style from the menus.
Often times, another element with the needed styling is already somewhere on the canvas, and I would like to be able to copy that style from this element; however the eyedropper tool only picks up hardcoded color values.

My improvement idea is that with an additional modifier key that you can press after entering the eyedropper selection mode, you could enable a “pick up style” mode instead.

This way I could assign styles to objects on the canvas much quicker.
See attached schema for a visual explanation.

In case multiple styles are assigned to the “source” (fill + stroke + effects) I guess the easiest would be to copy all of them over to the target object.

I guess it could also work with text layers, where this mode would pick up both the typography style of the layer and the color.

What do you think? Any big downsides I am missing?

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Color picker should apply color style