Photos do not appear when Playing prototype

I have tried many suggestions. Images appear in Design and are well within the frame. Some show and some do not when in ‘Play’.

Hope someone can help. Chrome browser.

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Hi @Rob_Glennie,

I would do 2 things:

  1. Ensure that their constraints are set properly. Sometimes, they are set to “scale” and even though they look fine in Figma, the prototype renders them properly (as they should) based on the parent (group, frame, component). Adjust it and check if it fix it.

  2. Check their size (weight). When they are too large, even though you scaled them down, it may be hard to render in prototype. Try reducing their size with plugins or manually outside Figma.

Hope that helps!


Even if they are visually in the frame, make sure they are in the frame in the layers panel.


Another thing to keep in mind when using the browser is extensions: they can block images from loading, especially extensions that block ads.

I encountered this problem too, nothing helps - none of images load in the prototype. This bug was reported in 2019 (found in another forum. I can’t believe it’s not solved yet


this helped, thank you!

I had this problem with the Android-Large frame. I was using a .png image so I saved it as a .jpg and the new placed image rendered in the prototype.

I cut and pasted all images and they appeared in preview.