Hi there,
For this e-commerce project I am working on, I am trying to make it easier for a design team to utilize components to mockup banners more efficiently. The main thing I am trying to do is make the lockups easily adjustable such as copy changes or styling updates.
I created a master component set for a base layout with different languages. Then copy the English version into an instance to create different styling changes for each banner type. One has a color change and the other has a font style change but layout remains the same.
THE PROBLEM: In the mockups for each language, the component set for styling has some copy in the lockup is override by the master while some parts changes the styling to what I wanted. How do I make the master not override the new styling for all text?
Please take a look at the file for a better context: https://www.figma.com/file/ds3K55DkoDjmJcKyk0PmCF/Banner-Mockup-System-(Test)?type=design&node-id=1%3A2&mode=design&t=ZiRSq3nKmxKa3p2y-1
I am open to suggestions on how I can re-structure this system or any links to tutorials to fix this is appreciated!