Does the new component properties feature works with nested components? Doesn't seem so

@Bruno_Barros You asked in (Solved) Boolean property / Hiding frames in component - #3 by Bruno_Barros whether I had achieved the reduction from 36 variants to 2 while using nested components (a base component that all the variants are based on).

I have not used nested components for the 2 variants that I’ve reduced my Field component to. I did use it for the 32 variants I had previously, but I haven’t used that approach much lately as it has resulted in some workflow issues when trying to reset changes to an instance swapped component that was nested in another component.

This does mean I need to make changes to the same layer in both variants in my field component (styling the input text differently, for example), but Figma has made it easy to select matching layers across variants with this button, so it’s less of an issue: