Create paid plugin


We are trying to publish a paid plugin in Figma using Figma’s own payment platform. We have added the code snippet from the Figma API documentation (Figma.payments) to check if a user has paid or not:

async function checkAndRunPluginFeatureCode() {
  if (figma.payments.status.type === "UNPAID") {
    const usageCount = await figma.clientStorage.getAsync('usage-count') || 0
    console.log(usageCount, figma.currentUser?.id);
    if (usageCount >= 3) {
      await figma.payments.initiateCheckoutAsync({
        interstitial: "TRIAL_ENDED"
      if (figma.payments.status.type === "UNPAID") {
        figma.notify("You have run out of free usages of this plugin.")
    } else {
      await figma.clientStorage.setAsync('usage-count', usageCount + 1)
  } else {
    maxRowsGenerated = 100;


And, in the manifest.json:

"permissions": ["currentuser", "payments"]

The problem is that when we try to publish the plugin, there is no field where we can set the price and/or the payment plan. We also haven’t found documentation on how to do it.

Our question is: We want to set the plugin to cost 10$ per month. How can we specify the price and the monthly plan? And where should we indicate it?

Thank you in advance!

Hey! I checked in with our community team and see that you got this resolved – I’ll be closing this topic now :smiley:

If you have any other questions, please feel free to create a new one.

Sorry this is so late!