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  1. I created icon component geometric-icon with two variants: Cube and Circle

  2. I created component Badge with this icon instance, also two variants: Cube and Circle

  3. I created Price token, that consist of Price text and Badge component

  4. Now, I’ve placed Price token into the Screen - all is good

  5. When I want to scale Price token all is good also

  6. But, when I want to swap my Badge

    Screenshot 2024-01-16 at 19.12.14

  7. The Price token is breaks…(((

How can I fix this?

Not possible AFAIK and the same issue like described here:

We ran into the same with swapable components.

Was there any information when Figma would fix this issue?

Not that I would be aware of. I suggest to open a bug report and/or feature request. The more people are complaining about this, the better ✌️
