Has anyone encountered this problem?
After publishing the library, the connection between components is lost
similar like this Component publishing loop after moving component
Hey @Arkasha , welcome to the community!
To cover some grounds, I would recommend taking a look at our detailed guide on how to move published components: Move published components.
This is the general flow to move components to a new file:
- Select your components and cut/paste them to your new file
- Publish the moved components in your new file
- Accept updates in any subscribed files to complete the move and relink are instances to the new moved components
Please also note that when a component move is published in a new file and those updates are accepted, all instances of that component get linked to the new master component but if there were invalid components, those are technically not published and so the instances lose their connections.
Alternatively, you might be better off relinking your components manually. There are some quick actions that might help you speed up this process like using “select all with same instance”.
If you are still having issues, I’d suggest you to reach out directly to the support team: here
Our team can have a deeper look at it and investigate. Be sure to provide a link to your file and share it with support-share@figma.com as an Editor, thank you!
Hello @Celine_Figma — thanks for your reply!
I fix it — thanks
please tell me - after publishing the library works very slowly
- changes in variables
- changes in text
- changes in color through variables
you can wait up to 5-10 minutes and the application freezes
i add address to file support-share@figma.com to https://www.figma.com/design/sHo4brOGc0WTopvtU3KzxR/ITCase-%2F-Components?m=auto&t=kI9yfhfgD3aHkqRZ-6
Great! Thanks for letting me know! Can you please reach out directly to the support team with the URL of your file directly please? I can also reproduce it, the file is loading very slowly when I open it. I would like our technical quality team to investigate it further, please fill out this form: here
In the meantime, as a first workaround, please try to clear out the cache to see if that helps on your end!
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