we currently share designs for both mobile and desktop browser layouts in a single File, and just lay out both the mobile and desktop versions within one Page.
how are others doing this/what works best for your team? do you use separate pages? are there Figma features specifically designed to make implementation and workflow smooth, so that team can build “mobile first” but complete both mobile and desktop within the scope of a single work item?
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Yes, I need this answered too. I make desktop and mobile versions in the same page but it sucks when sending two flows with fixed prototype mockup ie. iPhone 14 for both desktop and mobile. …am I missing something obvious.
What’s the best workflow for refined desktop and mobile prototypes? Can you allocate them separate devices for sharing with client?
Thanks guys.
That is not possible at the moment, the only workaround is to use a custom size instead of a device…
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Very curious about this as well… Trying to figure out a good workflow for sharing desktop and mobile prototypes as we phase out invision. Typically my file would have desktop & mobile mockups live together on the same “Figma” page. So, there would be a page in Figma called “Home” and would have the homepage layout for desktop and mobile, then follow that same organization for all the other pages being mockedup. But I’m finding that when it comes time to prototype, having separate pages doesn’t really work since you can’t navigate to frames that live on separate pages (at least not without a clunky work around). I see that many recommend making copies of all your mockups and pulling them onto a separate page in Figma dedicated to protoyping, but this feels very messy when you think about what that means for managing revision rounds.
There are a lot of powerful features that come with Figma prototyping but also a lot of basic limitations that are creating a lot of workflow challenges.