XD to Figma

Convert it to sketch using https://avocode.com/ for free and then import it in figma. Some alignment issues are noticed, overall better than SVG method.

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Can you please explain a little more!

I donā€™t know for how much longer itā€™s gonna be available though, as theyā€™re shutting down Avocode in 2023.


Yes. But as of now its working. I use this tool for some time now.

Explained above.

Hey friends, weā€™ve just shipped an Import Adobe XD to Figma feature to our Convertify Figma plugin, which lets you import your .xd files into Figma with one click :pray:

The plugin includes 10 free trials of the Convertify Pro features, but if you have more files to convert, you can optionally upgrade to unlock unlimited imports from XD to Figma, along with unlimited exports from Figma to XD, Sketch and After Effects, too.

This brand new XD to Figma import feature is currently in BETA, so weā€™ll be rolling out many more tweaks and improvements to it in the coming weeks, but hopefully it helps anyone looking for another way to automatically import their designs from Adobe XD to Figma today :blush:


amazing did great job for XD to figma. thanks!!!

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Many thanks, you saved my life bro <3


This was helpful, but only very few images got imported and rest didnā€™t get imported from xd to figma, how can I achieve this?

Hey @aaditi_akolkar, thanks for the feedback! It would be awesome to troubleshoot this with you directly so we can catch this bug and get a fix out to Convertify as soon as possible; please feel free to get in touch via email at Contact - Hypermatic :blush:

Unless you want Convert Magicul to own and use your content in your XD file I wouldnā€™t use thus service.

Hereā€™s a ChatGPT explanation of there Ts and Cs I pasted from the website.

License for User Content: While the terms do not explicitly state that the platform obtains ownership of user-uploaded content, they do state that users grant the platform a ā€œnon-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable, irrevocable, perpetual licenseā€ to use the feedback or incorporate it into the Website or other products or services.

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We need a downvote feature for this reason!

It will copy as image. Wy are u insistint this? Just stop dude!

This should be pinned at the top. Great tool! Saved me a LOT of time.

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Wow - worked like a charm! Great Plugin, thanks for the free use option!

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Iā€™m UI UX Designer I Have Much Data In XD I Want To Convert XD To Figma File Can You Explain Me How To Convert ?

Hey @salman6, as mentioned above, try the following:

Hi @Junko3 thank you for your response. I tried using the plugin, but the elements are getting disturbed. And some of the fonts are also getting changed. Overall it did not work.

I also tried copying svg from adobe to Figma, it almost worked, except:

  1. Images did not paste in Figma
  2. Fonts style got changed.

Any work around for this?

Hi @Aishwarya_Pampapathi, Thanks for replying!
For Convertify Sketch/Adobe/Google Please directly reach out to the developer to help them improve.

For the workaround of the svg import, while I would love to provide more assistance, I couldnā€™t locate any relevant resources internally except this one here: Paste assets into Figma from other tools

So I have merged your post here, to get more assistance from experts in our community!


Very helpful. Thank you, it works well.

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