Why does the figma mask not keep the mask layer "color" or characters

I am a new transfer who uses Sketch to Figma. when I used the “mask” tool in Figma, I found it is different from Sketch.

I dk why does it cant keep colour or some “property” of the bottom layer (mask)

For example, I want to keep the Elipse colour in the mask working but I can’t keep it when I make the eclipse as the mask. it just shows the polygon colour even thought there is some area that still belongs to the eclipse. (pic 1,2) it is different with sketch.
who can tell me why and how to solve it?

it is from sketch that keeps the mask layer color

Came here for this same problem.

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Mine never did it before, but started doing that recently. Driving me insane

Hi there,Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I totally understand the confusion when starting to use masks.

If you are experiencing the same difficulty as the original post, I found a related post here which may be helpful to you: Mask Tool Using

To learn more about masks, you can explore the following resources to deepen your understanding:

I hope this information is helpful!
If you require further assistance, you can explore the community or consider providing a quick video recording or screenshots of the issue.
It would be helpful to have the entire Figma screen visible, including the left and right panels showing the properties and layers, and expanding the relevant layers.
This will help our community see the same issue you are experiencing and check if it can be replicated.

Thank you!