After creating approximately 30-50 detailed screens with the elements (text, animations, graphics, buttons, etc.), I realized they were completely the wrong size. Huge mistake caught too late. My screens were set to 1440x3033 (I mistakenly thought this was the dimension of a large Android phone), and they need to be 360x800 with all the elements scaled proportionately.
Can I set a ‘default’ size for my project and have everything resize to match it, or perhaps code/run a script that will do the hard work? Batch resizing/scaling?
Otherwise, resizing each detail by hand will cost me quite a bit. Before I dig in, I’d like to see if there’s an easier way.
Scale tool and Scale plugin are different, but they do the same thing though.
Size and location can have the whole pixel size (like 150 px) or have a subpixels in it (like 150.65 px). The second one can cause problems for both designer and developer, so it’s better to avoid it.