Owners should be able to delete comments

Hi, very similar as above, I am cleaning out old comments in a massive project and there are dozens of obsolete comments around by a former employee, who accessed the file using her google credentials which means, it is impossible for us to login on their behalf to delete those comments.

Of course, all of the comments are resolved but we would like to get rid of them entirely, pls.

FIGMA file owners should be able to delete everyones comments!


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This is sorely needed. I have a previous employee who has made lots of comments in our Figma design. But I have no way of removing these now, and he cannot do it, since he is not part of the organization.

I am the admin, and I should be able to remove these.

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@Figma WE NEED THIS ASAP. BECAUSE the only way to delete previous comments that’s left by others, that are not part of the file anymore, is basically duplicating the project:

Which is a PROBLEM because, once we duplicate the file…

  • There is no way to copy paste the component library to new file without losing the existing “links” between design elements and components.
  • So we need to be able to “fully clean” this file. So we can give edit access to others (and they dont see previous comments)

PLS as file owners, let us delete others comments. (There is no Delete Thread option once we click to the 3 dots next to the comment)

Easy fix!

Owner & Editor can delete comments in Figma