Nested component features disappear when you have multiple components selected at the same time

Hello again,

I stumbled upon a weird scenario when setting up the different variants in a design system of a component in an example overview. I use nested components to control the size and potential styling so that you don’t have to create multiple variants with the same structure when all you need are different variant states.

For example, an input field has a label, a field area (where there can be an icon, placeholder, and so on), a help text, and an error text. However, we also need to see the different states of the input field, which means Default, Hover, Disabled, Active, In use, Focused, and potentially, for prototyping, we also need Active Hover and Active Disabled.

All of this takes time to set up, but when I want to create an overview of the different examples and display the prototype effects, I have to manually select them all if I want to change the size from Medium to Large, for example. Because my nested options disappear as soon as I choose them all, duplicate, and wish only to adjust the size.

This is a time-waster, so it would be nice to display them instead of hiding them. Please, please, please show the nested properties as well! I’m begging here!

Best regards,