Hi there! I’m still no expert on using Figma and it would be a big help if you could lend me a hand on how I can implement my idea.
I understand the use of the “frame” feature, but I can’t seem to make it work. I made a dynamic section on a mockup wherein one side is a side navbar and the other is the dynamic content where it continues to scroll until the end of the content. I was able to make this possible by using the frame feature then limiting it’s height and clipping the content. But my problem is that I wanted when hit the end of the page, the footer appears and the side nav bar stops just before the footer.
Here are screenshots to make sense of what I am trying to explain.
This is how it currently looks I reach the end.
But this is how I want it to actually look when it reaches the end.
Is there any way possible I can implement the second one? If so, how can I achieve this?