Learn more about the new iPad beta!

I would also like to test your beta app for iPad. anders@adaptagency.com Thx

Please consider me for the beta. pramodmani@gmail.com

Late to the party, but applied.

Hoping the (for me!) most immediately useful feature could be making its way to iPad (and mobile :pray:) soon… :crossed_fingers:

I’m a product designer but I use figma personally for footwear design, it’s easier than illustrator. Would really love to use figma instead and test the ipad app.

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I requested this in 2019 to your Twitter after putting my new iPad Pro to use and missing out of being able to use Figma on it. It was so close! Glad to see this happening. Would love access!

Hi. I have been trying to use different productivity tool for business uses- product portfolio , team structure etc and find Figma interesting.
The current web version on iPad is really tough to use; would be great if you could consider me as part of the beta.

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Can i still get in on this?

Hi all, just to let everyone know the beta is now closed due as the beta will be ending very shortly.