How to inherit the "export settings" defined in the component in its instances?


I have made some images of a component exportable. However, this seems not to be reflected in the images of the component instance. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? Am I doing something wrong?

Any better approach or advice is welcome! :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance,


You can’t do that, you only can copy-paste export settings there. But why do you want to do that?

I’d like to do this 'cause each component has specific export settings (for its images). If we could integrate them into its structure, we wouldn’t have to copy-paste the settings into its instances if we need to export images. These are the reasons why I thought that including them on the component could be beneficial: reliability (if we change the component’s settings it will be reflected in its instances), easy to use and faster (people don’t have to copy and paste the settings).

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Got it! You may want to create a feature suggestion in #product-feedback so people can vote for your it.

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Okay, will do it :slight_smile: Thanks @Gleb! Your Config presentation rocked!

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart:

Hi! I just have exactly the same request. Did you create a feature suggestion or found a workaround?
Thank you :slight_smile:

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Hi Lauren, in our case, since in the end many designers preferred to work on clean final assets (e.g., simple frames with correct export settings), we created some duplicable templates. Designers duplicate the template (which is the source of truth - we ensure that it is up to date) and work on it.
If you want to take a look, you can check out our main assets template. I hope it helps! :slight_smile:

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