Drafts are changing—here’s what you need to know

We’re on an organization plan. If an employee creates a Starter team and leaves. What happens with that team then? Can I as an admin recover files or gain access?

Hi there :slight_smile:

I have two Figma accounts - One for personal use and one for work. Both accounts are set up with different emails addresses.

Although I can see both accounts in Figma I’m not able to move drafts from the work account to my personal one. I’m only given the option to move the drafts to any of the teams under the currently active ‘Work’ account. Can I really not move my drafts between accounts?

i believe you can move files between different teams in the same account, but you can’t move files between different accounts. Check this: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038511573-Move-a-file
Your best option is to save your files locally and import them

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I have same situation. Only more confused after I scrolled down the information in Figma.

Damn alright, I understand now… This is all sad news :frowning:
But I still don’t understand why we can’t have favorite files accessible throughout all the teams, it is very not convenient to have to have to enter a team to access a favorite (=important/regularly used) file.

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I understand you want to make money, i thought the whole reason of not going with Adobe was partially that –only goal of monetizing–, but I see that in the end Figma is turning into the same.

Really disappointed that Design is not empowered any more. People need drafts, don’t limit those!

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I’m ok with the change on where drafts live, but can you bring back the sidebar layout without the dropdown for team select?
As a freelancer working with multiple clients at once, it’s very annoying having to open the massive team dropdown 10+ times a day to switch between the files I’m working on.
I hope all the starred files show up in once place no matter what team the file lives in.
This is a 8/10 level pain for me.


hi everyone! i’ve been cleaning my drafts from the “drafts to move” section, created a new team, and suddenly the files are not there, and there’s no trash folder either. they’re just gone! (I’m on a Starter plan) what do I do?

The new team you created should have a Drafts section on the left. Do you see that? Also, do they show up in your Recents section?

It’s very, very frustrating

How do we get support if we are on a paid plan? I put in a ticket a few days ago, and only got an AI bot response with some articles to look at, which didn’t answer my questions about Teams and Drafts. I responded with my Team name and haven’t heard a peep back from support. This is holding me up on starting a project.

Hey Holly, I was able to find your ticket and flagged it with the team. Someone should be reaching out soon!

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The concepts/pricing model that Figma uses to manage a simple workspace are so confusing: Projects, pages, files, teams, drafts… Lord have mercy.


Hi guys. Can you add a “select all” checkbox to the “deleted drafts” section? I have about 300 drafts deleted and you are forcing me to manually select each one so they can be deleted permanently? :thinking:
Give us that magic checkbox, please. Thanks

Hi @Josh, so I understand this change doesn’t stop one having unlimited files in their Drafts room (even though Drafts room is now moved into a specific Starter team space)…however, when I try to import .fig files into my Drafts room, I get a blocking message asking me to upgrade saying I’m only allowed 3 files.
Issue doesn’t happen when I manually create a new .fig file.

Could I please get a response to my query above? @Josh

Could I please get a response to my query above? @Gleb

Could I please get a response to my query above? It’s pretty important, as I use it to personally store my work from professional engagements that I eventually need to update my portfolio with. Thanks! :slight_smile:

57 Posts in this thread. And still i have no real understanding how my drafts can be managed in the future b me (only me), what limitations i have to face as a single user. Which lets me second some comments in this thread stating the increasing complexity on plan/team/file organisation in Figma.

  • How many drafts i can use and edit as a single user (on the free plan) after being pressed to move them into a team folder (even if am not a team!)?

  • Can i avoid moving my drafts into this unneeded teams folder?

  • Will i still be able to freely export and import .fig-files to share them with others?