Hi All,
I’m failing to import SVG with “defs” and “use” tags. It is opened and rendered exactly as expected by Chrome but it looks like Figma is not able to manage such an SVG. The code sample is here.
<linearGradient id="Color.Base"><stop stop-color="lightblue"/></linearGradient>
<linearGradient id="Color.Accent"><stop stop-color="red"/></linearGradient>
<svg id="CPaletteColor" x="5">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="darkgrey" stroke-width="1"/>
<text x="100" y="60" font-size="20">Color name</text>
<use y="5" href="#CPaletteColor" fill="url('#Color.Base')"/>
<use y="105" href="#CPaletteColor" fill="url('#Color.Accent')"/>
<use y="205" href="#CPaletteColor" fill="blue"/>
<use y="305" href="#CPaletteColor" fill="navy"/>