All plans should offer more than 4 variable modes

Hi! Me again - just hoping we could get 40 modes on all plans. That would be incredible. Keeping small business’ in mind is imperative and handing off to clients as well. So please 40 modes for ALL. I’m literally begging at this point.

Still a bit strange that this (lively) topic is completely ignored by Figma… (copied but it gets the point)


I made a new Figma plugin called Token Swapper. This plugin enables unlimited “Modes”/Themes, provided you organize your themes using top-level folders/groups.

You can find the plugin here:

Token Swapper is currently in Beta. Let me know if this helps!

Any update on this. I want to push my company to invest in Organization level, but right now having the same amount of modes limits the value.

I can not stress enough how more modes should not be gate kept based on plans - ESPECIALLY for small business (one person studios) who want to hand off to other (one person studios) that literally cannot afford a more expensive plan, nor do they need it.


@dvaliao @Celine_Figma @Gayani_S @Junko3 @y_toku


Figma = Webflow with the greediness.

I totally agree! Why not limit the number of text fields or images or grids or autolayouts as well?.. I hope the CEO never reads this comment.