All plans should offer more than 4 variable modes

The jump from 4 modes to 40 for enterprise only is ridiculous. At the minimum, at least provide the option to purchase additional modes without having to completely upgrade your plan.


Hey Denise @dvaliao, after one year may you please came with this topic with the team again, it is really important and it seems Figma doesnā€™t really care.

There is a bunch of argumentation on this topic, in 30min someone at least could read and take a decision about it.


I made a comment on one of his LinkedIn posts. If you guys could interact with it, maybe it could work.

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Just ran into the same issue in my org. We have an org license and now just for this, might need to upgrade to enterprise. It would have been nice even to pick some features as simple add-on packages.

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Iā€™m hitting this issue when using breakpoints for modes. With the maximum 4 modes Iā€™ve had to ā€œsacrificeā€ the 768px width and am left performing a ton of extra Q/A post-programming at that size because of it.

Weā€™re a small team, I currently pay $105/mo for 7 seats. The ā€œsolutionā€ of switching to Enterprise would cost us a 500% increase (Professional ā†’ Enterprise) in spend just to get the 5th variable mode I need. Enterpriseā€™s features provides no value to my team, aside from the mode increase.

The 4 mode limitation is fine for the Free plan, but not for ANY paid tier.


@dvaliao any news on this? Itā€™s been over a year! We need an answer.

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nop, they were busy redesigning the UI instead of fixing poorly designed features.


As a free workaround, you can use collections as modes and switch between them using this plugin:

Not ideal of course but for breakpoints for example this seems like a decent solution.

Still a bit strange that this (lively) topic is completely ignored by Figmaā€¦


I believe the design of variables in Figma is suboptimal. The free plan offers only one mode, which begs the question: what is the advantage of using variables over local styles? The significant disparity between the paid and organization plans, jumping from 4 to 40 modes, is also absurd. It seems evident that variables are rendered practically unusable unless you upgrade to the organization plan.


So, itā€™s been almost a yearā€¦ any update?


Way to ignore the important parts of this conversation. :clap: :clap: :clap:


Hi! Me again - Iā€™d like bring up a point: as someone who uses a TON of variables within design the idea that paying per variable mode is also useless - my team would end up paying the same amount for enterprise, consider this:

When building a dropdown you have multiple states:
Filled disabled
Filled error
(Iā€™m sure there are more)

This along would require over 11 modes just to cover this, so there isnā€™t a million collections to account for different states.

So if Figma said ā€œpay $5 per modeā€ this WOULD NOT work and that would already bring a plan back up to $60. Huge jump and unaffordable for small scale teams.

At config they said they really want to focus on that experience. Well small teams also need a usable product that is just as built out as a large team. So 40 variable modes minimum on all plans feels appropriate. Idc about dev mode.



Hey everyone, great news!

I created a plugin that allows you (sort of) to have infinite number of modes on any plan. Sure, itā€™s still a workaround that works by combining multiple collections together to create one with more modes, but the native experience is replicated as much as possible and also the inconveniences that come along with such solution (like managing variables across connected collections) are mostly taken care of. I think itā€™s the best solution weā€™ve got for now. Give it a shot, and let me know what you think.
If you find a bug, donā€™t be harsh on me, Iā€™ll try to fix it ASAP :slight_smile:

It sounds like you probably participated in a conjoint analysis study.

Itā€™s unlikely that any of the specific combinations you were presented with actually represented anyoneā€™s idea of what a good pricing/bundling options would look like.

Rather, I expect that you simply saw one of hundreds of different randomly/dynamically generated assortments, through which theyā€™re gathering a wide swathe of data across the multiplicity of potential relationships between a bunch of different product attributes. Your responses, combined with hundreds of others, will then be crunched together to help statistically identify which levers (and combinations of levers) might be most profitable for them to pull in order to maximize customersā€™ willingness to pay.

As such, you shouldnā€˜t take the ā€œutter chaosā€ you were shown too seriously, or as indicative of Figmaā€™s actual current strategy (or lack thereof).

Hello, maybe you could try this

Here is a plugin that leverages multiple collections to give you infinite modes, but itā€™s trying to simulate the native experience as much as possible. Give it a shot

There are so many valid points made here. The variable mode limitation jump in subscription tiers simply doesnā€™t serve the Figma community. We go from a limit of 4 variable modes toā€¦ still 4ā€¦ to 40? Thatā€™s a weird strategy: non-jump to massive jump. Why not give us an in-between number like 20 for the Organization tier? It would increase the value of upgrading.


Please sir, may I have more modes :cries in needing just 2 more modes: