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Hey everyone !

I love Figma, but i have a problem. I can’t save a custom frame size.

It would be great if we can save our own custom frame size for different projects.

I don’t think it’s “hard” to implement, but it would be very useful.

Thank you by advance !

Hey @MatMatGamer! Thanks so much for sharing your feedback with us.

I can definitely understand how useful it would be to have the ability to save custom frame sizes for different projects.

I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with a similar discussion (Ability to create custom frame sizes and prototype devices)to help bring the conversation together. This way, more people can find and engage with the topic.

Please feel free to upvote the main post—it really helps us prioritise features that matter most to the community.



A post was merged into an existing topic: Ability to create custom frame sizes and prototype devices
