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Taking into account #config2021 announcements, I wonder Figma has any plans to improve the situation by introducing updates to duplicated community files.

The problem now with community files is that that once you duplicated it, it is super difficult to incorporate update from original files. And it is often the case that updates and fixes are introduced gradually especially in the file is a design system or something non-trivial.

I wonder if brave Figma people have something up their sleeve for this scenario?

Much love, @ykovzel

Community is under active development so it’s not impossible that we would see something like this in the near future. In the meantime, you can change your topic a bit to turn it into a suggestion and move it to #product-feedback category so other people who find this relevant could vote for it.

Hey Gleb,

Thank you for the hint.

Was this moved somewhere? I want to heavily +1 this conversation.

Just for context, many of us in the Shopify app ecosystem are using Polaris as our day-to-day system, and are in fact building within the Shopify app platform. Many of us are also the sole designer for our orgs. It’s heavily onerous to be constantly checking Polaris for updates, downloading new versions of the file, checking each file one by one and swapping the outdated file to the new one, checking for any conflicts, and then deleting the old one. This only became more difficult with the new visual language. It would make so much more sense to be able to subscribe and synchronize to any changes as if we were internal to the org. As shopify partners, for our workflow, for all intents and purposes, we are.

Thank you!

This is a thread you could contribute to imho it covers what you would like to accomplish
