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in order to create a mobile version of a desktop interface, I duplicated a Figma file containing this desktop version (with the components). It seemed to be useful : when I modified some components (the cards for example), all the changes was automatically applied to all mobile instances (without overwriting the desktop version; the desktop version remained intact in a separate file)

However, this solution has some drawbacks. Now, when I return to the desktop version file and paste the mobile version, Figma does not recognize the links between the mobile elements and the components which are, for some, common for desktop and mobile.

(It’s a pity because, in the long run, it is better to store everything on the same file, so as not to have to make modifications to common components twice.)

You are going to tell me that I should have created a component library before. Yes, certainly, but is there any solution if we haven’t done it ?

How to make instances linked to the components again ?

Thanks for your help 😊

Hey Magdalena, thanks for reaching out!

The links between main components and their instances is based on the file in which the main component lives, duplicating a file will create a brand new set of main components.

As mentioned in this existing topic thread, you can try using Swap library:

Hello dvaliao,

thank you very much for your advice.

I certainly need to act at the library level. To do this, first I need to create it … My components are not grouped in a library… I hope it’s not too late…

Can we create libraries “a posteriori” and use them subsequently for manipulations between files ?

You’re welcome!

There’s no way to create a library after the fact, but there are plugins in the community that may help. Here’s a couple of examples:


Hi Dvaliao,

Thank you very much.

I will test the plugins you advise 🙂

I tested InstaRelinker. It really works. Many thanks !

You’re welcome! So glad to hear InstaRelinker worked for you!
