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Hi everyone,

I am currently evaluating whether the professional plan on Figma is suitable for my needs. Currently, another designer and I use the same account to create projects on Figma. In the free version, it is allowed to create a team with three projects where I can add as many guests as I want to edit the files.

My question is, if on the paid plan, by paying only $15.00, can I also invite external people to edit files? Or would I have to pay an additional $15 for each new person I add to the team? In that scenario, it wouldn’t be worth it for me.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @Levante_Lab, Thank you for your interest in the professional plan.

In Figma, our plans are team-based, meaning they apply to teams rather than individual user accounts. The type of seat each team member has determines both their billing status and the actions they can take in files.

This means that billing is determined by the total number of Editors within a team, including both team members and those invited to specific files or projects.

If you invite/share someone with “can edit (editors)” permission, they will be counted as an additional editor within your team.

For more detailed information, please refer to the following articles:

I hope this explanation helps clarify things a bit! If anyone in our community has additional suggestions, please feel free to share them here.

Thank you once again for reaching out.

Thank you very much for the response. So I believe that for me, it is still worth using the free version because it allows me to create a team where I can add several editors without having to pay for it. (For a small company in Brazil, $15 per added editor becomes quite expensive!) My suggestion for Figma would be to create a plan option where I can create at least one team with an unlimited number of editors, just as we already do in the free plan

Hello, Thank you for your response!

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I believe your idea would be beneficial for other community members as well. Would you mind sharing it on Share an idea - Figma Community Forum so that people who agree with your idea can vote? We will use those votes to prioritize accordingly!

I agree, one such plan is much needed. I am not able to see the value in having to pay for every designer - or at least up to 3 (or something) designers/editors should be allowed within one paid team account.
