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I had months back enabled a library for my files but I soon deleted the file (which was a community file - "Wireframing Starter Kit’) but the library is still published and I can’t unpublish it or remove it from appearing in all my design files. The library doesn’t show up in the enabled library settings too.

The problem is the deleted file still appears in my recent files section but I can’t see any option to delete it. Also when I enter the community file and try to unpublish it, there is no such option and neither can I select the library for more options.

My problem is similar to this solved problem on the forum: oSOLVED] How do I remove libraries that appear in the "libraries" modal?

But in my case since it is a community file, I can’t change the access settings of the file. And I am stuck with this very annoying problem.

Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out. You should be able to delete the files even though the files are the ones you copied from Community. Could you please check this article to delete it?

Figma Learn - Help Center

If you can’t solve the problem, could you reach out directly to the support team with a copy of your file: Our support team can look into your account information.

Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account, include links to the file in question, and share access with Don’t worry, inviting us to view your file won’t impact your billing.



I am dealing with this too. I want to completely delete missing libraries and reset all of those styles. When I was a contractor I created a Design System and then when I converted, they wanted their own Figma and i had to move everything over. Now the old ghost design system (which doesn’t even exist anymore) will randomly pop up in my new design system as a Missing Library. I’m going crazy. I don’t understand why some things transferred perfectly between design systems, but some things are missing or insist on staying linked to the old library.

I would like a way to just delete and reset all missing library sh*t so I can start over with my styles (which would be faster at this point).

Hi there,

If you keep seeing the missing libraries, could you reach out directly to the support team with a copy of your file: ? Our support team can look into it.

Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account, include links to the file in question, and share access with Don’t worry, inviting us to view your file won’t impact your billing.

Thanks for your patience.


That plugin worked to at least remove the missing items by breaking/unlinking them, but sadly was unable to replace with the appropriate styles except manually one-by-won. Please fix this Figma!

It doesn’t seem like the question brought up has really been answered in this thread. How do we unlink libraries (or delete them) from new libraries? What is the plugin being referred to?

I have the same issue. Where can I delete a missing library from the list of libraries a file is using?

Was there ever an answer here? I can’t get rid of the styles that appear under “Includes 1 missing library”
