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Recently I posted a topic here on the forum about feedback on a need and fortunately I received positive feedback informing that a solution is being studied to be made viable.

But on the other hand the thread was closed immediately and I couldn’t share a simple solution that I designed as a suggestion and would like to share.

If you want to take a look, go ahead:

Figma – 21 Feb 24

(In case anyone doesn’t remember what the subject is about, I’ll quickly summarize:

I and a few other people here on the forum suggested a way to organize files on the Figma home page.)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Create Folders/Categories/Tags for files

Hey @Coronel_Oliveira ,

Thank you for your feedback!

As explained by @dvaliao, your topic ‘Organize files by category’ has been merged to an existing similar one here in the community.

I’ve also gone ahead and merged your new topic under the same one here: Create Folders/Categories/Tags for files - #229 by Coronel_Oliveira Please continue to share your feedback under this topic. Thank you! 🙂