Use percent for min and max width

+1 for percentages


Easily this would be helpful IF Figma could support responsive display in presentations mode!

I have so many designs that could benefit from a full-width hero or even just the line beneath my title bar to extend all the way across my client’s browser would help our jobs as designers and product people.

Having to have a client resize their browser window because our prototypy does not stretch to their giant display settings is detrimental.

Obviously that is a different rant all together. But definitely having some level of being able to alleviate a small part of that presentation challenge could easily be solved by percentage widths.

this will be very useful. will probably use it more often than pixel size.

+1 percentages values for lengths

Good day! Are there any movements on this topic?

  • 1 for me, ideally combined with pinning auto layout boxes to columns. Setting a grid and telling a component to span 4 columns on the mobile layout and 1 on the desktop layout would be a boon.

+1, any updates on this one?

+100000 !!! Must have ! Currently having to work around this and it is very annoying

+1 for this feature

This feature is beyond needed as we also switch to using modes more,+1 for percentages. Another step closer to website parity and proper flex systems.

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+100000000000000000000 don’t let this ticket die lol

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Adding a vote for this feature

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absolutely +1 for this percent feature

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Upvote for this feature!!

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I agree check my post:

+1 to this feature! Per cent widths attached to columns in a column based grid has been fundamental on the web since we laid our pages out in tables, and is foundational to flexbox layouts. For example, flex-basis: 50%;

To make sure this topic isn’t closed.

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I believe this feature could help bridge the design-dev gap further and enable designers to create truly responsive prototypes. Currently, I have to use workarounds when building pattern libraries with set width modes. This new capability would be incredibly useful.

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+1 (or more if possible)… I’ve worked as both a web designer, frontend dev, senior frontend dev, React Native dev, and agree with @Joe12 completely.

This definitely would close the dev-design gap further.

Example: Trying to design stacked horizontal bar charts simply does not work with auto layout if any layout adjustment shifts. This really does not work well when attempting to design multiple cards with charts in a dashboard view.

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I am sitting here again trying to find the best solution for multiple elements I wanna wrap for different breakpoints and at the end, I have to do it manually. Well done.

But hey, Figma is offering Slides now. :wink: What a joke!