Show the values instead of "Mixed" word

To see the corner radius value or Auto Layout padding (pic1) you need to make several iterations. But for adding this value you can use, right in the field (2).


So, why we cannot see this value (16,8 or 3,7,3,1) directly from the right panel?


This is the way! :robot:

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I would rather use standard CSS syntax for that. Simply spaces instead of commas, something like [8 12] or [8 12 12]


The word “Mixed” doesn’t provide any information that is really necessary, other than that you don’t have all paddings the same.

I get much more information from the way the css is written.
It’s better to keep that information and still be able to edit it.

Right now you have to open the Alignment and padding window to know that how you have configured the paddings and to edit them.

When it would be much more efficient to be able to change them from the padding around items field without having to open that window.



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I’m only the 17th vote since Mar 2?!?!

As a new convert from Sketch to Figma, I found using ‘Mixed’ in lieu of the values extremely annoying within a day!

Here’s hoping this enhancement (some might call it a bug) is made! Cheers :beers: