'Show on page' not focussing on the selected area

In the new ‘Ready for dev’ focus list/view clicking on the context menu on ‘Show on page’ does only jump to the page the ready for dev element is in but does not focus it.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-04 um 18.25.32

In general this focus list is pretty useless because as a non dev mode user there is no search bar, you can’t collapse the sections, you have no folders, clicking on the screen give me the damn ‘request dev mode’ popup all the time like I got it…you want to sell me a feature. The fact that we do not have simple folder like structures to hand off screens to the devs in a basic but free version is really killing the momentum for adoption in our company.

So in short:

  • Fix the bug and make clicking ‘Show on page’ really focus on the selected element
  • Finally create a folder like handoff system where I can drop elements in and order them in different categories alowing me to share folders for certain parts of a project to our devs

Hey @Sasch, thank you for taking your time to leave your feedback! I’ve just forwarded this internally to the dev mode team for consideration.


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