Hi there,
I was looking for a way to intercept the events when users click through a prototype. I didn’t find a way, neither with the UI nor plug-in reference.
So the minimal idea is to emit events the whole project can listen for, this could look like open link
(action) where the user can specify what to send, e.g. user-login
This event can be used as a trigger to navigate to a specific frame, e.g. login-page
or attached to a frame like a flowstart.
The magic happens, when theses events can be listened for within plug-in / interactive components / … so it’s possible to sent a message to another prototype / machine / webservice.
Similarly important would be the possibility to emit an event from code, so a prototype can be triggered based on a script / prototype / another device / webservice.
We prototype often multi-device interactions with hardware interactions and having this built into figma would be
I hope you like and understand the idea, if so give this post some love