I can no longer paste a picture into Figma. I go through the procedure but the picture doesn’t appear. Same if I try to drag a picture. Both from finder or from browser.
This problem is new to me and I can’t find a solution.
Work on PC Figma app.
Hi! How do you solve it? I have the same in my new projects(
Hi there, is this occurring in all browsers (Safari, Chrome etc) and the desktop app? Can you please provide us with a screen recording ?
I can no longer paste a picture into Figma. I go through the procedure but the picture doesn’t appear. Same if I try to drag a picture. Both from finder or from browser.
This problem is new to me and I can’t find a solution.
Work on PC Figma app.
Hey there!
Hmm this looks odd. To cover some basics, which format have you tried to import? As a reminder, supported file types include:
- JPG, PNG, HEIC, TIFF, WebP, and GIF raster image files
- MP4, MOV, and WebM video files
Here’s our guide for importing images in Figma: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040028034
I’d recommend you reach out to the support team with a quick video recording of the steps you have done. This will help us to replicate on your end. Please fill out a form here: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Thank you!