I am trying to programmatically create text styles for my design system. The source of truth is a JS object that contains design token data.
The problem is when I try to set the font (“SF Pro Text”, which is installed on the computer)… as shown below, when i run loadFontAsync for this font, the promise seems to never resolve.
async function createNewTextStyle(token) {
// Style does not yet exist, so create it
const newStyle = figma.createTextStyle();
// the new text style is preloaded with Roboto, so we need to load that
await figma.loadFontAsync(newStyle.fontName);
// This is the font i want to set my text style to.
// it seems that this promise never resolves (or errors).
await figma.loadFontAsync({
family: 'SF Pro Text',
style: 'Regular',
// Set the properties of the text style
newStyle.fontName = {
family: 'SF Pro Text',
style: 'Regular',
newStyle.name = designToken.name;
newStyle.fontSize = designToken.value;
newStyle.lineHeight = { value: designToken.lineHeight, unit: 'PIXELS' };
Sorry, i was out earlier when responding. When I say it never resolves or errors, I mean it doesn’t resolve or come back with any kind of error. It’s as though the function just “hangs”.
When doing it with Roboto, it works as expected, but all other fonts do not work, they all just hang.
Are you sure the issue is in that line specifically? Have you tried isolating this function in a new plugin and seeing if it works? I just tried and it seems to be working. I don’t have SF fonts installed so I tried with other local fonts.
There is one issue though. You are passing token in the function and not using it, while you are using designToken which is not passed to the function. The function gets stuck because of that.
Found it by debugging with console log:
async function createNewTextStyle(token) {
// Style does not yet exist, so create it
const newStyle = figma.createTextStyle();
// the new text style is preloaded with Roboto, so we need to load that
await figma.loadFontAsync(newStyle.fontName);
// This is the font i want to set my text style to.
// it seems that this promise never resolves (or errors).
await figma.loadFontAsync({
family: 'Helvetica',
style: 'Regular',
console.log('hi 2')
// Set the properties of the text style
newStyle.fontName = {
family: 'Helvetica',
style: 'Regular',
console.log('hi 3')
newStyle.name = designToken.name; // gets stuck here
newStyle.fontSize = designToken.value;
newStyle.lineHeight = { value: designToken.lineHeight, unit: 'PIXELS' };
console.log('hiii 4') // this line never runs!!!!!!!!!
createNewTextStyle().then(n => figma.closePlugin('Done!'))
No sorry that was my renaming bars for this post so it’s more obvious what the car was. token should be supplied as a parameter to the function and renamed to designToken.
For context, I was actually calling this function n times in a loop that went through an array of font styles from my design tokens. I’ve instead done the font loading as your sample above, then called my style setting in the then() part