So after hours of scavenging the interweb, I gave up on a plugin or ways to convert my Figma designs to a working Webflow website.
After failing to find something online, I set out to find a way to do it myself.
The method is simple:
Find a UI kit that corresponds to Webflow guidelines and layouts.
Build a design on Figma based on these guidelines.
Export graphic and image assets to transfer it over to Webflow.
Then finally replicate these steps in Webflow.
This somehow smoothens the pain of converting designs to Webflow.
Here a video tutorial I’ve prepared for this (follow along)
March 9, 2021, 3:17pm
We started working on a Page Builder that starts with figma, check it out here:
Or maybe bring Webflow features to Figma. Even better
If you need to convert your figma file to a Webflow project : convert figma to Webflow
The easiest way to convert i found is Figma to Webflow
just submit and you will get all your saved styles converted into a webflow style sheet in an email. saves a lot of time from manually transferring over your colors and typography styles, makes it easier manage classes too. hope this helps.
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Ya thanks for the link i convert a lot of sites for clients over and its worth it to use save so much time, and super easy.
I recently launched a service for converting figma design into webflow projects.
We offer one-week delivery time at a affordable price
Convert your Figma designs to Webflow. Get your Figma UI/UX designs built in Webflow. Quality development standards, device responsive, pixel-perfect, & speed optimized.
I hope you find this useful
Can’t wait until this actually exists. Magicul plugin doesn’t exist yet.
Webflow labs created a figma to webflow plugin
Figma Community plugin - Design in Figma, Launch in Webflow
The Figma to Webflow plugin, built by Webflow Labs, lets you turn your static designs into clean, production-ready Webflow HTML and CSS. Add Webflow Interactions, wire up content using our...