Figma applies the Hugh Content to the width and height, but I only want to apply it to the width

When I try to only apply the Hugh Content to the width, Figma applies it to the width and height, but I only want to apply it to the width.
Does anyone know how I can make it only apply to the width?

This is a text layer, not an auto layout layer, so I’m surprised Figma made it possible to set it to hug through these controls in the UI which are normally meant for AL layers only.

Text can only be in 3 states in Figma:

  1. Fixed Width and Height
  2. Fixed Width, auto Height.
  3. Auto Width and auto Height (height will only change on line break).

You can switch between these states using controls here:


The state you want (Auto Width and Fixed Height) is not possible to set on text. You can set it on the outer Auto Layout frame and set all texts’ Widths to Fill Container.

Thanks so much @Gleb !

Finally, i used Hugh x Hugh on Text and, Hugh x Fill on Parent, not the best way for dev, but good for visual